I swear, everytime I read some poll dealing with colleges, Texas seems to be #1 on the charts.
Now this one should come as no surprise, as Texas topped the list of the biggest college football money-makers bringing in a whopping $53,204,171. What was shocking though, is that Texas A&M came in at #10 with $38,359,977. I guess the difference between #1 and #10 is a 7,000 sq ft video board versus a 4,000 sq ft video board.
- Texas $53,204,171
- Ohio State $51,810,607
- Georgia $50,895,838
- Michigan $46,396,107
- Florida $43,417,641
- Alabama $42,979,669
- Notre Dame $41,754,817
- Auburn $40,563,927
- Louisiana State $40,107,764
- Texas A&M $38,359,977