After over a day of back and forth and strained nerves for Texas fans, Phillip Marshall of The Huntsville Times is reporting that [tag]Will Muschamp[/tag] has officially resigned his position as Auburn defensive coordinator and accepted Texas’ offer.
Will Muschamp resigned today as Auburn’s defensive coordinator to accept a similar position at the University of Texas.
Muschamp, who interviewed at Texas on Thursday, told Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville shortly after returning from Austin this afternoon that he had decided to accept an offer from Longhorn coach Mack Brown. Muschamp leaves after two years on the Auburn staff.
The Auburn president and Board of Trustees recently approved a raise for Muschamp that would have made his salary $425,000 in 2008.He had a two-year contract with no buyout clause. He would have been the highest paid assistant coach in the Southeastern Conference.
I like the comment from the Auburn fan below the article, “Seems a little like leaving your wife who is a hot 9.2 for a 9.5.” I think Texas is more of a 10 but damn it feels good to be the Joneses. I love the attitude that we can go out there and get the best of the best.
This is big time news for the Texas program, Big 12 offenses are going to have to look out for Mssrs. Kindle, Muckelroy, and Norton next year. It’ll be nice to have some of that swagger we saw in the Holiday Bowl last all season.