Posted October 15th, 2009 by Brian
Filed under: Feature, Football

When I was a kid, my parents tried to teach me not to do anything stupid. If there’s anything today’s modern parent should be teaching their kids it’s if you’re going to do something stupid, don’t film it and put it on the Internet. No one told that to these Sooner fans, watch and enjoy:

Apparently, the original poster of the video realized how embarrassing this is and took it down. Fortunately for all of mankind, some intrepid UT fan won at the Internet and has reposted the video on YouTube.

The lyrics, the choreography, and the video production values all appear to have taken a decent bit of time, so kudos on the effort. Man is this embarrassing though. I feel bad for the younger kid roped into doing this. His day at school tomorrow is going to be rough. Oh wait, he’s from Oklahoma, I’m pretty sure they don’t actually continue on past junior high.

By the way, it’s 8:15pm and OU STILL SUCKS! Hook ’em!


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  1. reply to  #1


    AHHHHH!!! Thank you for embarrassing yourselves Sooners!

  2. reply to  #2


    Wait, that should’ve been spelt sooners…

  3. reply to  #3


    That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. It really puts those old Aggy videos to shame.

  4. […] p.s.  Everyone should go watch this video of the landthieves’ fans embarrassing themselves. […]

  5. reply to  #5

    Hook'em Horns

    all I have to say is wow. after watching that, ou still SUCKS!!! they may have won the big 12 crown last year but we beat them, we won our bowl game, and ou still sucks once again! hook’em horns

  6. reply to  #6

    Kayla ((okie girl))

    im a sooner fan and the video was made by one of the radio stations yes its stupid but its funny u dont think they were for real they were being stupid have u ever heard of something called comedy …..ya i might live in virigina but i still love the sooners …..u guys should try growing up for a change football is just a game and working for a radio station means being silly!!!

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