Cedric Benson is about to take on his old team this weekend when the Cincinnati Bengals host the Chicago Bears, so he’s talking about what he feels the Bears did after they released him. He told Chicago reporters he feels the Bears gave other teams negative reports in an attempt to blackball him:
“I heard all the rumors that were said coming out of Chicago,” Benson said Wednesday in a conference call with Chicago media. “Even the Bengals told me, they would call and inquire about me and get nothing but negative things — just that I didn’t work hard, that I was a prima donna, or didn’t work hard on the field, or I wasn’t focused. Anything negative they could say, it was said. I’m sure that contributed largely to me not getting picked up right away.”
reply to #1
October 22nd, 2009 at 3:13 pm
Of course Marvin Lewis is going to say that Smith said nothing but good things, NFL coaches are not going to rat out each other. I kind of believe Benson on this one, who knows though, he may be the next Ricky Williams.