Fire the cannon. Make some noise with Big Bertha. They should have let [tag]Colt McCoy[/tag] light the tower orange as well. Watch the postgame celebration and relish the special group of seniors that played their last game at DKR Saturday night:
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reply to #1
Karen Ewing
November 25th, 2009 at 12:40 pm
Does anyone know ANY way to get a video of Colt McCoy’s last football game at home? UT vs Kansas game on 11/21/09? I was AT the game and my recorder at home did not go off!! I would love to PURCHASE a DVD of the game.
reply to #2
Verde Val
November 26th, 2009 at 8:49 am
Thanks so much for posting–we were able to listen on XM, but seeing it is priceless!