Someone ought to tell A&M signee Terrence McCoy that Dennis Franchione gave him that wad of cash in a plain envelope under the table for a reason:
McCoy, who said he’s been looking forward to Wednesday since he watched Jaime sign his letter of intent a year ago, has received positive reports from his brother about A&M and the football program.
“They take care of you down there,” McCoy said. “I know from my brother they keep your pockets full, give you plenty of money, keep feeding you meals. Besides that all the help they give you with football. They keep you on your grades with private tutoring. Just good all-around.”
I know you’re not on campus yet Terrence, but I’m pretty sure you should know that’s the kind of thing you have to keep on the down low. I guess the Aggies have never been too good at this cheating stuff, but that sure hasn’t stopped them from trying.
Coach Franchione posted a clarification of McCoy’s comments, here’s an excerpt:
To explain in detail what a football scholarship provides for a student-athlete would take more time and space than either you or I have.
Frankly, I doubt you could grasp the numbers. The meal plan alone costs hundreds–hundreds!–of dollars.But basically, they receive tuition, fees, books, room and meals. In addition, under certain specified conditions they are entitled to meal stipends – such as when the place they eat on their meal plan isn’t open,usually a modestly priced restaurant tab plus unlimited alcohol, which comes to around $200 a meal– or sometimes meal per diems when we’re travelingin our gold leaf painted, hot-tub equipped Aggie Land Cruiser with the twenty-sixes spinning. It ought to be a crime to be this hood! That kind of rhyme dropping keeps the street cred flowing like water, wodi.
reply to #1
March 13th, 2006 at 9:24 am
LOL………….read here where UT student tries to legitimize that cheating is a learning tool. “Some rationalize that it’s okay to cheat if the course is not in their major but is required for graduating. Others assume it’s a victimless offense. One University of Texas student, in a posting on an Internet forum on cheating, went so far as to defend it as a legitimate form of learning. “I personally don’t cheat unless I learn something from it,” the student wrote. “If that involves looking at one answer on a quiz, I think the person is more likely to remember that one answer since they had to resort to cheating to obtain it.”
That is too funny.
reply to #2
March 13th, 2006 at 9:34 am
Dude, it’s called an ellipsis try one out it’s easy. Just three dots, you can do it. Or maybe a comma, either will do.
By the way they could’ve found plenty of cheaters at TAMU, but no one outside of Texas has ever heard of your school.