Man, for the second straight week the Longhorns are on the verge of picking up a loss, but Colt McCoy just wouldn’t let it happen, in almost VY-esque style. Colt is starting to make the loss of Vince Young almost seem bearable. And can you imagine if Musburger was doing the game? He would have been all over Colt.
Tech did put up quite a fight, but when you can’t run the ball (-1 yards on the night), it just makes it that much harder to close out games. And honestly, if you can’t get an inch on 4th down, you just don’t deserve to win.
And there might really be something about this TBS curse. Just look at the last five games on TBS: Tech, down 21-0. Baylor, down 10-0. Okie Lite ’05, down 28-12 at half. Tech ’04, down 7-0. Okie Lite ’04, down 35-7 at one point. And how about this year’s Okie Lite game? Oh yeah, that is on TBS too. Let’s try to jump out to a lead for once.
Here are some other inital reactions after the game: