Texas A&M coach Mike Sherman is scared of VCR’s. Good coach but I’m not sure he’ll ever recruit well.
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reply to #1
May 2nd, 2009 at 7:50 pm
Dude did you see his recruiting classes. flat out speed, Sherman was the best recruiter a&m had back in the day. Now hes back at it again, hitting up east texas and Louisiana. Your opinion how he will recruit shows me how much of a dushe u really are. You have not football sense and from what i can see you get your posts from google news, come up with something worthwhile and people might actually come to you gay site. By the way Austin is full of whores, ***s and lawyers.
reply to #2
May 2nd, 2009 at 8:21 pm
Yay homophobia! Nice work being the typical Aggie.
Sherman is picking up the scraps that LSU and Texas don’t want. Over the last three years A&M has signed two whole recruits that Texas wanted Rod Davis and Jeff Fuller, both in 2008.
Good luck with UAB this year.