Here are my thoughts after watching the Longhorns at the Spring Game under Coach Strong, Clint Eastwood style.
The Good
The defense as expected was the shining star after the first drive by the offense resulted in an early touchdown. The defense line led by Caleb Bluiett (8 tackles & 2 sacks) ran roughshod over the offense line. The real test is to see if this group can excel against better offenses.
The defense backs had its share of interceptions lead by Mykkele Thompson who returned one back for a score. The QB play did not give much of an indication if this group will be up to task, but they gained a measure of confidence in the way they played.
Malcolm Brown and Jalen Overstreet showed promise in their running styles (Thunder & Lightning) in the way they attacked the defense. It was good to see these two step up as the passing game will start with a big question mark.
I liked that Coach Strong put the offense and defense on opposite sides of the field. It gave the fans the experience that one group was going against the other in a game. Charlie Strong strode across both ends of the field during the game to watch the coaches and the players actions.
The Bad
We knew that the QB play would be the most scrutinized position on the field. It was evident that Tyrone Swoopes needs more time to develop as a passer. The athleticism is evident but the decision making and the timing of his release leaves room for doubt. If the incoming Max Wittek and Jerrod Heard can take the reins, it might be better to have Swoopes be the tight end that would remind us of Jermichael Finley. I will trust this coaching staff that they will put the kids in a position where they will succeed.
The offense line needs to come together quickly. There were some key absences on the line, but the boys in the trenches need to step up. The moving pocket allowed the line some success, but ultimately these road graders need to help this stable of running backs.
The audio coming from the Godzillatron was horrible. The timing and the placement of the music was bad. The big video board will be replaced because the company that created this monster is no longer around to feed the beast or get replacement parts. I hope the Athletic Department revamps the way they use this tool for the upcoming season.
The Ugly
The practice uniforms that the kids are wearing are hideous. I am going to the give the coaching staff a break because they have been preoccupied with establishing their culture and attitude with the team. I have been an advocate of providing the players an alternate game day jersey that will energize the players and help with new recruits.
As Clint said in the famous movie, “You see, in this world there’s two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig.” Will the Longhorns have the loaded gun on the field or will they be the team digging?
Now that Coach Charlie Strong has his staff put together. What changes will Coach Strong implement on the 40 acres? I wonder if the first meeting with his team went something like this:
Coach Strong has shown that he wants to change the culture of this football team. I would like to offer up a few changes for the program. I believe the culture has definitely changed simply by the way that AD Steve Patterson went about hiring his first football coach. Here are my thoughts:
Please get rid of those ugly practice jerseys. This was a lame attempt to give the players some sort of boost with an alternative jersey. Because the practices are on LHN, sew a sponsor patch above the chest on the jersey to help raise even more funds. Paying players soon will be a reality. The University needs to leverage itself in order to bring in more money.
Let all the coaches influence all the kids. The former staff was only allowed to coach their own position players. All the players need to know that everyone including all the coaches are pulling in one direction to achieve the team’s goals. Coach Strong said the goals are simple: Graduate, Championships and Manhood in that order.
Game Day
It is time to surprise the players with alternative uniforms for special games. This past year the coaching staff was going to honor the ’63 championship team by wearing the player’s number on the helmet for a game. The captains of the team were desperate to have something new so they voted to leave it on all year. The players want something different and incoming high school recruits are considering uniforms when they look at all of their scholarship offers. I know the old guard will hate this, but the fans are not playing one down on the field. Here are the best and worst offerings because change for the sake of change with regards to uniforms will not due. Give the players something that they can be proud to show off to the fans and their families.
Please change the festivities of Senior Day. Watching the head coach congratulate the players on the Godzillatron as they maneuver around the masses to find their family in the end zone is frustrating. Have the kids run to mid field in front of the entire fan base and meet them at the 50 yard line. The parents can be standing along the sidelines for everyone to see. High schools do a better job than the University to honor those that have stayed all four years. Make the event special in order for players to have one more thing to consider before leaving early for the draft.
Do not be that coach that says I need to look at the game film in order to answer the media’s questions. Use that time to answer the question bluntly so that the team sees you as a no-nonsense leader. Do not give the microphone to the assistant coaches as a CEO would and lose the opportunity to make a point. You are the face of the program and use this time to send a message and challenge your players.
We all know that the big money donors are important to a football program. You do not have to be a politician with all the old big money donors because you can never satisfy all of them. Shake their hands for a photo and give them a signed football to give to their kids. You do not need to hire one of them to be your lawyer. We all know that if the coaches are obligated to the kids and the players are focused on playing for their teammates and their coaching staff then the University and the big time donors will see the results they want on the field.
I am not advocating getting rid of all the traditions of the past. The University of Texas has a tremendous legacy that every coach, player and fan needs to respect and protect. But changes are sweeping across every college football program and we do not need to be left behind. A culture of toughness has already been set forth by Coach Strong. Let’s give the coach and his staff the support they need amid all of these changes and enjoy the journey.
What a difference 30 minutes make in one’s life. How many times have we heard the comment “Give me 30 Minutes and…”?
In 30 minutes you could get a pizza back in the day. Sitcoms were supposed to make you laugh in that amount of time. Your girlfriend or wife has said at least once in their life, give me 30 minutes and I will be ready to go. It takes at least that much time to go from Cowboy Stadium to the American Airlines Center in Dallas (minus traffic). There are countless workout videos that promise a fitter you in that amount of time.
30 minutes in a football game is one half of the game. Stop with the analysis that a half of football usually takes an hour and half to complete. Work with me here. Two 15 minute quarters offered the fate of the 2013 Longhorn football season. The start of the football season with a 1-2 record saw the fan base throw up their hands and say enough is enough. Mediocrity is not something that the fans like served season after season after posting a 30-20 record over the past 4 seasons. Something changed the dynamic of the 2013 season when the Horns went to Dallas and whipped up on OU. The season looked salvageable with a Big XII title in the mix. Another slip up at home (12-10 record at home during the same four year stretch) against Oklahoma State caused fans to reflect on the season while Coach Brown focused on one game at a time. Fans look at every loss and over analyzed while coaches and players need to be focused on the task at hand. Horns fans even had to reassess their loyalty after cheering for the hated Sooners to come through earlier in the day. That is why even on the final day of the regular season the Longhorns had a chance to claim the Big XII outright with 30 minutes left.
Tied 3-3 at halftime in Waco with all the “Case Closed” shirts donned by Baylor fans hoping for their own Brazos Miracle. The Horns were hoping to win the game while the Bears expected to win the game. Amazingly those 30 minutes could have resulted in a birth in the Fiesta Bowl, a Big XII Championship and surely a 10 win season. Thirty minutes would have erased a roller coaster season and solidified Mack’s determination to right the ship. Heck 30 minutes would have yielded a sign shop order to put ’13 on the upper deck of DKR. Thirty minutes would have earned Mack another $5 million dollars for the 2014 season, because no one is going to fire a BCS bound coach.
The regular season has ended and Coach Brown has decided to give way to another regime since it has been four years trying to get the momentum back. Mack will be remembered for many positive things including a family atmosphere, a strong relationship with Texas High School kids and coaches plus a winning program that included a national championship. It will be very difficult to replace such a dynamic and classy coach as Mack Brown. I will miss him on the 40 acres but in his own words “I hope with some new energy, we can get this thing rolling again.”
Thanks for following my WTH articles throughout the season. I appreciate the opportunity to rant about the greatest University sports program in the country. You can continue to follow comments on all of UT sports on twitter @40AcresSports or follow me @Horns1991. HOOK EM!!
WTH?! (What the Heck?) moments are attempts to find the memorable and the off-beat perspective on Longhorns sports. Here are some interesting moments from Texas’ matchup with Texas Tech.
Pregame WTH Turkey Day?! We all know that the Thanksgiving Day game will always be a home game for the Horns. Will the fans ever be electric after stuffing their faces all day? The revolving opponents will not install much more enthusiasm or the lame senior introductions before kick-off. Get the players away from the end zone and let them stand in front of the entire crowd with their parents at the 50 yard line. Come on Mack… send them off right!
1st Quarter (9:94) WTH Erxleben?! Not only did Ryan get dissed by his Dad’s alma mater and have to go to Lubbock to kick. But this fleet footed soul decided on his own to take off after no one decided to check on him. Fifty one yards later the Red Raiders were on the scoreboard with their only TD of the half.
1st Quarter (:00) WTH Human Tricks?! The biggest ovation of the 1st quarter was when they trot someone out to kick a field goal in front of the “announced” 100,668 in attendance. They need to break out an old fashioned punt, pass, and kick competition to get this tryptophan fan base entertained.
2nd Quarter (:05) WTH Action Jackson?! The defense had an outstanding outing with 9 sacks and great coverage all game long. A huge play was turned in by Jackson Jeffcoat as Tech was 8 yards away from pay dirt. Jackson recorded one of his three sacks on Baker Mayfield which forced a TT field goal.
3rd Quarter (13:57) WTH Replay Booth?! The officials had a terrible day because they ate way too much and they were asleep at the wheel. Even the replay booth official missed on reversing a fumble call on the Horns. Marcus Johnson was stretching for extra yards when the ground caused the fumble. The booth missed another call when a Tech punt returner did not touch the ball.
3rd Quarter (10:04) WTH Royal?! The scoreboard showed another one of Darrell Royal’s favorite saying that you need to dance with the one that brought you. Coach Applewhite took that saying to heart when sticking with the run all game long and producing two 100 yard rushers of Malcolm Brown & Joe Bergeron.
4th Quarter (14:56) WTH Pretty Boy?! Looks like Coach Tom Cruise needs to instill some discipline with his team. Tech was flagged for 11 penalties for 102 yards. Will Smith (not the actor) laid out Mike Davis after he had clearly caught a touchdown pass from Case McCoy. Tech had a frustrating day with their season starting 7-0 and it ended up going 7-5.
4th Quarter (8:14) WTH Officials?! The officials blew another judgment call when they moved the sticks and gave Jalen Overstreet a first down. The replay booth wanted to take a look at it so that Fox Sports could get another commercial timeout since no was really watching by this time.
Next up for the Longhorns are the Bears in Waco to say goodbye to Floyd Casey Stadium on Dec. 7th.
Thanks for following my WTH articles throughout the season. I appreciate the opportunity to rant about the greatest University sports program in the country. You can continue to follow comments on all of UT sports on twitter at @40AcresSports or follow me at @Horns1991. HOOK EM!!
WTH?! (What the Heck?) moments are attempts to find the memorable and the off-beat perspective on Longhorns sports. Here are some interesting moments from Texas’ matchup with Oklahoma State.
Pregame WTH Fans?! Where was the crowd? There were a lot of empty seats even though the announced crowd was 99,739. I guess #TurnUpDKR did not have much effect.
2nd Quarter (11:02) WTH Daje?! It’s the second straight game where Daje Johnson has a brain freeze while trying to field a punt. The rule is DO NOT field a punt inside the 10 yard line. Love the speed, not the decision making.
Halftime WTH Band?! Shout out to all of our veterans on this special day. Great job by the UT band reenacting the flag plant at Iwo Jima.
Halftime WTH Major?! I saw Major Applewhite running from the locker room with security in tow with 5 minutes still left in the halftime. It’s amazing that our OC has only about 15 minutes to offer any halftime adjustments.
3rd Quarter (5:30) WTH Royal?! The scoreboard shows one of Darrell Royal’s favorite saying that when you throw three things happen and two of them are bad. Wish Major Applewhite would have read the screen before the start of the game.

The Texas team needs help from wherever it can get it.
3rd Quarter (2:30) WTH Delay?! The Godzillatron shows a taped delay view of our troops in Afghanistan showing their frustration on a previous UT play. Just two plays later Case McCoy doesn’t see the linebacker and throws another interception.
3rd Quarter (:42) WTH Horseshoe?! This has happened way too many times. The shine is officially coming off the Horseshoe. Case McCoy sky balls a throw for his third interception of the night.
4th Quarter (15:00) WTH Fan Services?! I see the signs around the stadium “Need Help?” text “TXFAN” with issue and location to 69050. I even found this kid with a sign “How may I help you.” No one could offer any assistance on getting any points on the board for the Horns in the second half. The team ends up suffering the worst home loss in the Mack Brown’s tenure.
Next up for the Longhorns are the Red Raiders from Lubbock on November 28th in Austin.
Thanks for following my WTH articles throughout the season. I appreciate the opportunity to rant about the greatest University sports program in the country. You can continue to follow comments on all of UT sports on twitter at @40AcresSports or follow me at @Horns1991. HOOK EM!!
WTH?! (What the Heck?) moments are attempts to find the memorable and the off-beat perspective on Longhorns sports. Here are some interesting moments from Texas’ matchup with West Virginia.
Pregame WTH Helmet?! Again, I am fan of the alternative uniforms and helmets. I would like for the Longhorns to offer up an alternative. The WVU helmet looked horrible. The Mountaineers came out to warm up wearing their normal helmets then went back into the locker room and pulled out some white looking mess. It looked like there was an oil stain on it.
1st Quarter (13:45) WTH Daje?! The biggest play of the game was the touch that did not happen. Daje Johnson had a brain freeze and almost touched the punt that would have given the Mountaineers the ball in the red zone. The 58,570 moonshine fans would have wrecked the stadium if they who have gotten the ball.
1st Quarter (12:11) WTH Up Men?! You are big. You are placed in the middle of the formation to keep rushers from getting to the kicker. The kicker is backed up in the end zone. You may want to block the defender that is going right between both of you. Safety for WVU… Sheesh!
1st Quarter (2:31) WTH Big D?! The defense sacked WVU quarterbacks six times which included 2 fumbles. Crazy as it seems but the WVU backup QB Millard was better than the starting QB that they knocked silly on this play. Defense stepped it up in the first half while the offense took over in the second.
Halftime (:00) WTH Luck?! The Mountaineers had the mojo going into halftime with a field goal to put them up by 6 points. Wondering if WVU AD Oliver Luck was feeling a little better at this time since he didn’t impress the UT Regents as much on his interview? How weird would it have been if Luck was the UT AD and he would’ve been walking around the stadium at his alma mater as the enemy?
3rd Quarter (11:34) WTH Spark?! I have been critical of UT senior safety Adrian Phillips. I need to give him a shout out for an interception that helped kick start the frantic scoring that would occur in the second half. Seven out of the next 8 offensive drives for both teams would result in scores.
4th Quarter (:59) WTH Horseshoe?! You have to admit that this nickname for Case McCoy fits perfectly. Facing a fourth and seven at midfield Case hits his buddy Jaxon Shipley for a first down. The drive results in a tying field goal by the real hero of the game which is the consistent Anthony Fera (4 for 4 on FG).
OT WTH Brown?! This was the first overtime for a Mack Brown led team. Mack gets credit for hiring the play caller and recruiting the player. The play call by Major Applewhite to hit De La Torre out of the back field was something that made all UT fans smile. Great call Major! Then to have the recruit Steve Edmond that has been criticized most of the season come up not only on a third down tip, but to come through again with a pick to seal the win on fourth down!
Next up for the Longhorns are the Cowboys from Stillwater in Austin on November 16th.
Thanks for following my WTH articles throughout the season. I appreciate the opportunity to rant about the greatest University sports program in the country. You can continue to follow comments on all of UT sports on twitter at @40AcresSports or follow me at @Horns1991. HOOK EM!!
WTH?! (What the Heck?) moments are attempts to find the memorable and the off-beat perspective on Longhorns sports. Here are some interesting moments from Texas’ matchup with Kansas.
Pregame WTH Godzillatron?! The University of Texas spends millions of dollars on this huge HD video screen, but nothing on the acoustics. The music pumping out while the players are warming up sounds like it is coming from a sound system in a Ford Pinto.
1st Quarter (13:46) WTH Horseshoe?! I know Case McCoy has moxy and a gunslinger attitude, but these sky-balls are not going to cut it for very much longer. The interception on the fourth play of the game would be a killer if the Horns did not plays the redheaded bald eagles from Oz.
1st Quarter (5:58) WTH Biscuit?! No risk it – no biscuit. Coach Weis should know a lot about eating. He missed a golden opportunity to take control and give his team some confidence by going for it on 4th down and 1 yard to go at mid field.
2nd Quarter (:12) WTH Prevent?! The defense played an outstanding football game all day long. The only glaring mistake was when KU Jake Heaps connected on a 43 yard completion right before the half to give the Jayhawks a field goal before halftime.
3rd Quarter (6:37) WTH Headstand 2?! Yes… Chris Waley scoring another touchdown never gets old. Another mojo changer by the defensive tackle. I am more impressed by the pop up headstand that Jackson Jeffcoat performed after joining in the sack with Cedric Reed.
4th Quarter (3:00) WTH Bird?! I wonder if the 97,105 caught UT RB Joe Bergeron flipping off the KU sidelines. Nothing like a 3rd string running back talking some smack to the other team.
Next up for the Longhorns are the Mountaineers in West Virginia on November 9th.
Thanks for following my WTH articles throughout the season. I appreciate the opportunity to rant about the greatest University sports program in the country. You can continue to follow comments on all of UT sports on twitter at @40AcresSports or follow me at @Horns1991. HOOK EM!!
WTH?! (What the Heck?) moments are attempts to find the memorable and the off-beat perspective on Longhorns sports. Here are some interesting moments from Texas’ Thursday night game against Texas Christian.
1st Quarter (15:00) WTH Band-Aid?! I like many of the special helmets that college teams are sporting. The TCU helmet baffles me because the blood spurt/stripe depicts a Horny Toad that can squirt blood from its eyes. If you’re bleeding doesn’t it mean that you are getting your butt kicked?
1st Quarter (11:56) WTH Four Eyes?! I thought this new FOX Sports 1 broadcast team was younger and more aware of its surroundings. The announcer totally blew it when he announced “it’s good” on a TCU field goal try that went wide right.
1st Quarter (7:52) WTH Robinson?! OK… I am a believer. Coach Greg Robinson has transformed this defense into one of hell of a unit. The sack and strip by Quandre Diggs resulted in a quick touchdown run on the very next play. Be sure to check out the video of Robinson and the Beaver.
1st Quarter (5:03) WTH Headstand?! Malcolm Brown continued to impress against TCU. His determination after going head first then getting back up to get a solid three yards was impressive. The offensive line deserves a lot of credit for another strong 200+ rushing day.
1st Quarter (1:24) WTH Trickster?! Really… really?! Are you trying to be Boise State? The double pass did catch the defense sleeping. But that was the last time TCU would find the endzone for the rest of the night.
2nd Quarter (9:41) WTH Horseshoe?! What a great wheel route by Marcus Johnson to catch a nice sky-ball thrown by Case McCoy. Case connected on a lot of sky-balls for big gains. Just hope we see a little more zip on the ball when needed. Still think Case is more lucky than good.
2nd Quarter (6:08) WTH Mother Nature?! You could fit a complete football game in the time of the weather delay (3:06). I felt sorry for both bands when they made the halftime only 5 minutes long. The 48,212 in attendance definitely thinned out after this episode.
3rd Quarter (9:25) WTH Cowtown?! Three straight running plays inside the 6 yard line shows you that Coach Applewhite was stubborn on getting a rushing touchdown. What was behind the goal post after the extra point? A gaggle of TCU cowboys in the end zone were despondent that they were missing last call.
4th Quarter (4:11) WTH Burn?! The redshirt is officially burned off the freshmen QB Tyrone Swoopes. His first carry was a smooth 8 yard run for a first down. Since the play was on Sunday morning, does it officially count?
Next up for the Longhorns is the Kansas Jayhawks in Austin on November 2nd.
Thanks for following my WTH articles throughout the season. I appreciate the opportunity to rant about the greatest University sports program in the country. You can continue to follow comments on all of UT sports on twitter at @40AcresSports or follow me at @Horns1991. HOOK EM!!
WTH?! (What the Heck?) moments are attempts to find the memorable and the off-beat perspective on Longhorns sports. Here are some interesting moments from Texas’ rivalry game against Oklahoma.
1st Quarter (15:00) WTH Willy Wonka?! Did you notice the golden ticket that was stuck on every player’s jersey? Wonder if the Texas football team took away Bob Stoops candy after this game?
1st Quarter (13:15) WTH Horseshoe?! I know that I am hard on Case McCoy (13-21 190 yards) but his buddy Jaxon Shipley (5 catches 59 yards) made an incredible catch on third down to keep the first drive alive and start the mojo going Texas’ way!
1st Quarter (4:20) WTH Striker?! Next time you want to assault someone Eric Striker you may want to avoid 92,500 fans watch you do it. The roughing the passer penalty put Texas close to the red zone until Joe Bergeron fumbled on the very next play.

RB turned DT Chris Whaley’s interception return for a touchdown was a gamechanging play.
1st Quarter (2:29) WTH Bulldozer?! Glad the defense came to play. DT Chris Whaley had himself an oskie and proceeded to bulldozer over the Belldozer for the first touchdown of the game. Horn fans need to give credit to Coach Robinson for putting the kids in the right place to succeed in this game.
2nd Quarter (11:38) WTH Trophy?! What is a $30,000, 34″ tall, 45 lb. National Championship trophy doing on the sidelines at this game? Oh right, OU thought they had a chance to win this award. NOT!
2nd Quarter (:03) WTH Kill Shot?! You could tell this was a different Longhorn team. One example of the confidence was how fast the Horns worked down the field to kick a field goal to make it 23-10 at halftime. This was the largest lead at halftime for the Longhorns since 2005.
3rd Quarter (7:22) WTH Deflator?! Daje Johnson stuck a pin in the OU hopes when he returned a punt 85 yards for a touchdown. Think OU special teams wish they would not have had the delay of game penalty just before that punt?
4th Quarter (15:00) WTH Belldozer?! Blake Bell was harassed all day long by Jackson Jeffcoat and Cedric Reed. The defense had two oskies and 4 sacks to make for a dominating effort.
4th Quarter (:58) WTH Dynamic Duo?! No Batman or Robin here. Malcolm Brown (23 for 120 yds.) and Johnathan Gray (29 for 128 yds.) played like Supermen at the Red River Rivalry.
Next up for the Longhorns is the TCU Horn Frogs in Fort Worth on October 26th.
WTH?! (What the Heck?) moments are attempts to find the memorable and the off-beat perspective on Longhorns sports. Here are some interesting moments from Texas’ Thursday night game against Iowa State.
1st Quarter (15:00) WTH Electric?! That is what Mack Brown called the 52,762 fans that attended the tussle in Ames. And to top it off, the game was played on a Thursday?! Are we playing in the MEAC conference?
1st Quarter (2:27) WTH Rose?! The baton twirler from the Cyclone band caught the booming kickoff instead of a Cyclone kick returner. Most of Nick Rose’s kickoffs were sailing far into the end zone for touchbacks all night.
2nd Quarter (:00) WTH Horseshoe?! If this is the first time you seen this word on one of my posts, it refers to a certain QB. Horseshoe refers to Case McCoy who has a golden horseshoe up inside of him due to his lucky ways (A&M, Kansas, etc.). How in the hell did that Hail Mary pass to the end zone end up in John Harris hands? Amazing that the TD pass to end the half was bigger than you thought at the time.
3rd Quarter (6:34) WTH Cleats?! The defense looked like it was stepping up to the challenge. Then Adrian Phillips decided to slip (get some longer cleats… dude) and let the Cyclones receiver score on a 97 yard pass play.
3rd Quarter (4:30) WTH Magic?! Mike Davis has lost his right to be called Magic. He clearly took a cheap shot by going low at the defensive back on the goal line. Amazing how Mack Brown said that his player was just battling and competing. Is really that out of touch?
4th Quarter (3:40) WTH Kill Shot?! I am disappointed with the tenacity of the ISU team to slam the door. The Cyclones were 2nd down and 1 on the Horns 4 yard line. The next two plays were miss steps that opened the door. Did anyone think the Horns were going to pull this out? Here comes Horseshoe.
4th Quarter (:51) WTH Gray?! Johnathan Gray fumbled not once but twice on the goal line. Maybe Joe Bergeron should have been the choice in a late game situation… oh wait… OSU Cowboy late game fumble. Oh well.
Next up for the Longhorns is the Red River Rivalry against the Sooners in Dallas on October 12th.
Thanks for following my WTH articles throughout the season. I appreciate the opportunity to rant about the greatest University sports program in the country. You can continue to follow comments on all of UT sports on twitter at @40AcresSports or follow me at @Horns1991. HOOK EM!!