Very cool video of an advertising company projecting video and effects onto the side of the Tower for upcoming Longhorn Network promos. The use of the black color to give the illusion that the Tower is really being morphed and rotated. A nice Rubik’s Cube effect. Watch some handheld video:
Update: Here’s the eventual “What Starts Here…” commercial that features some of this footage:
Joe Jamail donates $15 million to UT. The endowments will go towards law, nursing and undergraduate studies.
Longhorns participate in Leadership Luncheon. Vince Young, Mike Griffin, Kyle Russell, & others discuss the importance of effective organizations & leadership skills.
The “Ponytail Bandit” in Longhorn cap arrested in Thailand. Morgan Michelle Hoke committed several bank robberies in Austin area.
Blonde in Texas cap robs Austin bank. It kind of looks like a girl I went out with in school.
UT Comp Sci to unveil supercomputer on a chip. The TRIPS processor is capable of performing up to 1,024 instructions simultaneously.
UT is number one party school and some are wondering if the university should do more to stop abuse by students.
Former UT student Colton Pitonyak is convicted of the murder of Jennifer Cave. 55 years isn’t enough.
Seems they discuss removing the statues from the South Mall every few years or so.